The Railway Children | A Book Report

by Neo. 10/25/2020. grammar – lesson 10.

The Railway children is a story about the Waterbury family in the book was a family with lots of frustrations, like the time they just moved into the Three Little Chimneys and they could not find any candles.

I’m not exactly sure when the story took place but my guess is that it took place during the 1900s.

The family lived in London at first but then moved to Three Little Chimneys which was in the forest.

They are in the forest because of their fathers’ absence. He was gone because he was convicted (wrongly as it eventually turned out) of being a spy and selling secret documents.

When they arrive at Three Little Chimneys they find out that the house was infested with rats and that it was MESS!

I do not like the railway children story because it is a very long book. It’s not that I dislike the book (don’t get me wrong) its just that my mind does not like to read for long periods of time.

I did think that that the book was funny, especially when they talk to each other and my favorite character was Peter (probably because I am a boy).

So as far as books go, it was a fairly decent book.

Published by Neo

The owner of The Matrix. You may enter into my domain... But remember, after this...there is no turning back.

12 thoughts on “The Railway Children | A Book Report

      1. Hmmm… I don’t know…. Maybe something related to your currant title, unless you want a totally different web name? Just tell me what type of title you have thinking about or what theme you would perfer. But me personally I like the title the way it is, that don’t mean though you have to keep your old title, I don’t mind!


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