My Favorite Part of the Year | Week 25 English

So the assignment was to tell a story about your favorite time of year.

Hello, I am going to tell you my favorite part of the year is.

Well my favorite part of the year is fall, I like fall because it is when people vote for the next president. Even though people think that Joe Biden won. (which in fact is not true) but that was a side topic so lets get back in the game.

The weather in fall is cold and very snowy Even though it should be nice and warm by the beach side but nooooooo, its COLD! Very COLD in our part of Canada.

In the fall I like to build snow forts. This year I made a fort that was four feet tall (but maybe that’s an under statement).

Once I was making a snow fort and I went on top of the fort and my brother was in it so when I went on it, it just went BOOM, right on my brother, thankfully he was not too mad, just a little sad.

I also like fall because I get to go skiing and snow boarding.

Written by Neo

Published by Neo

The owner of The Matrix. You may enter into my domain... But remember, after this...there is no turning back.

10 thoughts on “My Favorite Part of the Year | Week 25 English

  1. Nice! The your fall sounds like my winter. XD
    Why do you think Biden didn’t win? Whether or not it was fair, it is recognized by the public at large that Biden won the election.


    1. Really, that’s strange, but cool.
      It is known to to silent majority that trump won. It is not fair. Biden lost the election by millions of votes.
      If your next question is where is your proof? Then I have gotten my proof from x22. Here is the link to X22. You should watch it some time
      Why did the mail in ballets get sent to Germany in stead of just staying is the US? Because they are changing the votes.


      1. Trump didn’t win. Biden won. It may have been faulty, many votes may have been discarded, many fake votes may have been created, but Biden officially won the election. Right?


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