My favorite hobby.

Lesson 45/English/Review. My assignment was to write an essay on one of the following two options – Write about a favorite hobby. – Write an essay on the kind of work I would like to do when I become an adult. I will pick to write an essay on my favorite hobby. My favorite hobbyContinue reading “My favorite hobby.”

Sour Gummies

Lesson 40/English/Review. My assignment was to write a set of instructions for something that I like to do. Using sequential order. I chose to tell you my favorite recipe, Sour gummies. Ingredients. 3 tbs grass-fed gelatin powder. 1/3 cup lemon/lime. 3 tbs honey. 3 drops of lemon/lime edible essential oils. 3 tbs honey Directions. WhiskContinue reading “Sour Gummies”

Calgary Alberta

Lesson 30/ English. I was assigned to choose another country and write about the interesting facts of that country, to think of the ways that Hans Brinker shows the culture of Holland, and to describe the food, popular sports or entertainment, and interesting landmarks or buildings of the country. Calgary Alberta is a very interestingContinue reading “Calgary Alberta”

My Favorite Part of the Year | Week 25 English

So the assignment was to tell a story about your favorite time of year. Hello, I am going to tell you my favorite part of the year is. Well my favorite part of the year is fall, I like fall because it is when people vote for the next president. Even though people think thatContinue reading “My Favorite Part of the Year | Week 25 English”

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